Press Release from the Board of Krossobanen AS
Published August 15, 2024
Press Release from the Board of Krossobanen AS - August 15, 2024
On June 19, 2024, the Norwegian Railway Authority (SJT) closed Krossobanen in Rjukan with immediate effect. The decision followed an on-site inspection on June 18 and a report from our maintenance service provider regarding the condition of the running gear and suspension on one of the cars.
We received a draft inspection report on July 4 and provided our comments within the deadline on August 5. While we await the final decision, we are aware of its contents.
The report includes four specific directives:
Improvement and documentation of the safety management system
Enhanced descriptions of the necessary inspection and maintenance of the cableway
Development of instructions to ensure that flammable chemicals and materials are not stored in the drive and return stations
Establishment of routines for reporting incidents to the Norwegian Railway Authority and reporting serious incidents and accidents to the Norwegian Accident Investigation Board and the Norwegian Railway Authority
Additionally, SJT points to the previously mentioned report concerning findings in the suspension and running gear of one of the gondolas, as well as their own observations made during the on-site inspection. SJT concludes that all of this indicates that the technical condition of the cableway is unknown, and therefore, so is its safety level.
Krossobanen takes the inspection report very seriously and has begun work to address the identified deficiencies. As SJT points out, more thorough investigations are necessary to get a complete picture of all elements related to the operation of Krossobanen.
We have now arranged inspections and assessments with several experts in their respective fields. The first round of investigations will be conducted in weeks 36-37. Once all assessments are completed, we can estimate the time and cost required for the various measures that need to be implemented.
Regarding the suspension and running gear, we still do not have an answer as to whether it is feasible in terms of time and cost to repair the existing components while new ones are being produced. The process of producing new components has been initiated, with the supplier starting the preliminary project in October/November.
At the same time, we are working to ensure that we have a robust organization with the necessary expertise, routines, and tools to manage safe operations when we are ready to transport passengers again.
This is a challenging time for Krossobanen, particularly because the necessary measures will be costly. In a meeting with our main owner, Tinn Municipality, on August 14, we informed them of the status of the situation and signaled that we are dependent on financial contributions from the owner to carry out all the necessary measures.
We would like to apologize again to everyone directly affected by the closure of Krossobanen.
Contact Information:
All inquiries should be directed to:
Chair of the Board, Karin Rø;, Tel: +47 922 38 872
Deputy Chair, Vidar Stang; Tel: +47 951 85 645
Published June 24
On June 19, 2024, the Norwegian Railway Authority (Statens Jernbanetilsyn, SJT) closed the Krossobanen cable car at Rjukan with immediate effect. This decision followed an on-site inspection on June 18 and a report from our maintenance service provider, which we received on November 20, 2023. SJT believes the report reveals risks to public health, environment, and safety. Krossobanen is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the cable car. We had followed the provider's recommendation to continue operations with reduced weight until new suspension equipment was produced. This was a misjudgment on our part, and we apologize for it. At the same time, we are very relieved that no incidents compromising the safety of our passengers occurred.
We have had a meeting with SJT to review their observations of deviations. SJT has informed us about the further process. A draft inspection report is now being issued, outlining the requirements for addressing the various deviations, the required documentation of implemented measures, and deadlines for correcting the deviations. We will have the opportunity to provide input on this draft before the final decision is issued. The draft will be available within 1-2 weeks, while the final decision will be issued in 4-5 weeks.
The final inspection report will form the basis for determining the scope of necessary measures and the duration of the closure. The board of Krossobanen takes this matter very seriously. In today's board meeting, we decided to ensure a complete assessment of Krossobanen's condition by conducting a thorough review of its components. We will ensure that all deviations are identified and rectified before the cable car is put back into operation.
The closure of Krossobanen causes inconvenience for many. Tinn municipality, as the owner, will now hold meetings with the Gvepseborg Cabin Owners Association and Rjukan Climbing Park to discuss solutions to mitigate their inconveniences.
Krossobanen asks for understanding that we cannot comment further on the matter until the final decision from the Norwegian Railway Authority is available.
Contact Information:
All inquiries should be directed to:
Chairwoman Karin Rø:, phone 922 38 872
Vice Chairman Vidar Stang: phone 951 85 645
Published June 19th
Immediate Closure of Krossobanen at Rjukan by the Norwegian Railway Authority (SJT)
We deeply regret finding ourselves in this situation, says board chairman Karin Rø.
Last autumn, we conducted a scheduled inspection on one of the carriages. During this inspection, it was revealed that repairs were needed on the running gear (suspension). We had the option to either repair the old running gear or produce a new one. We chose the latter. The process of finding new running gear was initiated before Christmas last year, but it takes a long time to find the right supplier for delivering specially manufactured equipment like this.
It is unfortunate that we did not notify the Norwegian Railway Authority about this, and that the company responsible for the inspection of the carriages recommended operating at reduced capacity until the new running gear was produced and installed, says Rø. We are now gathering information and requesting a dialogue with the Railway Authority on the measures needed to get the line operational again.
It is important to note that there is nothing wrong with the supporting cable. Every three years, the cable undergoes a thorough inspection, a so-called MIP (Magnetic Inductive Testing). This was supposed to be done in 2023. Krossobanen was given a deadline by the Norwegian Railway Authority until May 27, 2024, to complete this inspection and document the results. This was done within the deadline and approved.
Unfortunately, it looks like Krossobanen may remain closed throughout the summer while the repair work is ongoing. Those who have purchased annual passes for the line can get a refund.
We now need time to thoroughly assess the situation and will provide more information as soon as we have it.
Contact Information:
All inquiries should be directed to:
Board Chairman Karin Rø:, Tel: +47 922 38 872
Deputy Chairman Vidar Stang: Tel: +47 951 85 645
You can find the Krossobanen approximately 2 km west of the center of Rjukan.
At the lower station (Krosso), you will find a large, parking area. From here, passengers are transported to 886 meters above sea level (Gvepseborg) in just five minutes.